Have you ever noticed that shirts for women are different from men’s shirts? Well, if you pay attention, you’ll find that shirt buttons are on different sides for men and women shirts. There are certain theories in this regard, the most widely touted one is that the practice of reversing buttons on men’s and women’s clothing stems back to the time of elaborate dress of many layers that it was necessary for women to be dressed by a servant or maids, who were generally right handed. Thus, in order to make it slightly easier for other person to button up, this was done. Men’s clothes, on the other hand have had buttons always on the right side, as they tend to dress up themselves, without anybody’s help. Since, the high class people were the trend setters back then, this trend started by them is being continued even today.
Another theory in this regard is that women’s clothes were designed this way so that they have to button themselves using the “inferior” left hand as an indicator of their status. But this theory has also received many criticisms as most of the women in those days knew how to sew clothes, then why would they bring about such a trend to make themselves feel inferior to men.
Yet another theory is there, which is somewhat related to the first one. Having buttons on the other side was a social indicator that you are so wealthy and affluent that you don’t even have to dress up yourselves. But the difference between the two theories is that there was no such intention of making the servant job easier. It was merely a social status indicator, which women wanted to flaunt.
Some other theories are also there in this regard. Let us now go through them as well.
- Babies: Women used to hold their babies in left hand, keeping their right arm free. Thus, unbuttoning became easier for them when they wanted to breastfeed their infants. This seems to be an assumption, but could also be true.
- Horse riding: Women, who rode horses often, rode sidesaddle as well to the right—so putting their shirt and dress buttons on the leftreduced the breeze that would flow into their shirts.
So, now you must be having a clearer picture as to why shirt buttons are on different side for both the sexes. If you plan and wish to buy a nice shirt for yourself, we’ll help you out with that as well. There are several online shopping stores that stock some of the famous and renowned brands of party wear dresses for both men and women. The range of clothes available with them is so huge and vast, that you’ll be fascinated for sure. Some of the famous online shopping stores where you could get it all are Tata CLiQ, Jabong, Myntra, Abof, Ajio, Limeroad, Snapdeal, Amazon etc to name just a few.