Have you ever stopped for once to ponder on what makes us horny? How do winks and hugs and fondling make one horny? If you have, you should have a tremendous knowledge of how the body works, especially the female body. Nonetheless, if you’ve never thought about it, maybe you don’t ever have to.
The female body is one of the most complex, and when it comes to sexual intimacy, it’s even more complete,x especially if you don’t have the sexual know-how. More than reading a Kamasutra, how much do you understand women’s bodies? At some point, you must have wondered how those porn stars on free porn for women get to understand themselves so much that it takes less than minutes to make one another orgasm.
The reason for this is that over time, they have been able to study one another to understand what makes them horny.
As a lady, you must understand your body to the point of knowing what makes you horny and how to get the hang of it if it happens unconsciously.
Yes, sex is fun, but it’s more fun if you understand your partner’s body to the point that you know what angers them. Once you figure this out, it becomes quite stress-free for you to make them orgasm whenever you are sexually intimate. On the other hand, understanding your partner’s body isn’t one that comes on a platter.
It is easier for a woman to understand the man’s body than for a man to find out what turns the woman on. As mentioned earlier, the female body is one of the most complex you’d have to understand as time progresses. Nonetheless, it is essential that understand your partner’s body if you want to enjoy your relationship with them.
Trip to women horny-land
To understand what makes a woman horny, you must first understand some of these facts!
Find her erogenous zones:
These are parts of the body that set your partner in the mood upon touching or fondling. The good thing about erogenous zones is that they are more in women than men. So, you have a greater chance of understanding your partner’s body and what turns them on with little or no stress. Just find the zones.
Try free porn for women videos:
Peradventure, you have tried other genres of porn videos, and it’s not working. Try out free porn for women. These genres of porn videos are such that they preach against the humiliation and violence against the female folks in the porn industry. With this, you get to see your partner in a new form.
Have a chat:
There’s no better way to understand your partner and what turns them on than asking them. Depending on how great your partner is at having conversations, you could decide to ask them what makes them horny. This way, you can be sure you will be doing the right thing when next you set out to make them horny.