After passing the UGC NET exam, you will be able to pursue a variety of opportunities. In this article, we’ll go over the advantages of passing this exam, such as what you can get and what’s next in your career after UGC NET. Byju’s Exam Prep is one of the best platforms that help in cracking the UGC NET exam.
The age limit for NET is 28 years, while there is no age limit for NET lectureship. Candidates from Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), Other Backward Classes (OBC), Physically Handicapped (PH), and women are given a five-year age relaxation.
Advantages of Passing the UGC NET Exam
After passing the UGC NET exam, you will be able to pursue a variety of opportunities. Candidates who pass the NET examination of UGC are eligible for Assistant Professor or Junior Research Fellowships. We’ve listed a few of the best advantages of passing the UGC NET exam.
PSU Job Opportunities for UGC NET candidates
If you don’t want to be a professor or a lab assistant, there are plenty of alternative options, such as being chosen for one of the top Public Sector Undertakings. Human resources, finance, research and development, and other departments are among the departments where UGC NET qualifiers can apply. Candidates should consult the official website of the UGC job portal to see what job opportunities are available.
As an Assistant Professor, you will work at one of the best universities in the country
The most common career path and benefit of passing the UGC NET exam is becoming an assistant professor. If you aspire to be a lecturer, you can realise your ambition by applying for a position as an assistant professor at any of the UGC-approved top universities.
This is one of the most respectable jobs, and depending on your position and skills, you may be able to teach undergraduates or professional students. The salary for UGC NET qualified candidates somes with many perks and allowances along with the monthly salary.
A junior assistant professor’s monthly salary ranges from INR 25,000 to INR 40,000. It rises in line with your advancement to higher-level positions.
Promotion in existing jobs
After passing the UGC NET exam, candidates are promoted to the posts of professors and associate professors and other areas such as research work. If you work as a laboratory assistant in a private or government institution, you can always earn a promotion when you pass the UGC NET exam.
Candidates who have passed the most challenging exam, UGC NET exam may have access to a variety of other chances. They can become an expert in a specific field or even write a book. There are a number of people who are interested in doing research and can set up their own lab.
There are numerous opportunities available after clearing the UGC NET exam. This exam allows you to broaden your career opportunities in a variety of fields.
You can also join BYJU’S Exam Prep for UGC NET and CSIR NET, where you can get answers to all of your exam-related questions from experts from all over India.
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