A large proportion of teenagers drive on the road daily. You may be thinking, what happens if you get in an accident with them and get injured as a result? If you are a victim of such an accident, consult a personal injury lawyer immediately to discuss your options for pursuing a claim to seek compensation for your injuries.
Parental Liability
Almost all states have parental liability laws. These laws state that the parent or legal guardian will be financially liable for any death, injury, or property damage caused by their minor child’s negligence or intentional malicious conduct. They will be responsible for recovering the damages they caused, including a car accident injury.
If the negligent driving of a teenager injures you, you are legally entitled to pursue a claim against the at-fault driver’s parents. This implies that you will directly file a compensation claim to the car insurance policy of the child’s parent or legal guardian.
Most young teenagers struggle to afford car insurance on their own, which is why they use their parents’. The car insurance generally follows the car owner. If the teenager caused the accident and the car is insured and owned by the parent, the parent’s liability coverage will compensate for the accident.
What happens if a teenager gets into an accident while driving a car not owned by their parents?
This is a complex situation. If the teenager got into an accident in a car borrowed by their parents by someone else, the insurance would be applied if the teenager was permitted to use the vehicle. In case the teenager uses it without permission, the liability insurance on the car will not be applied.
Willful or malicious conduct
Willfully or maliciously causing an accident is excluded from insurance policies. If it gets proved that the teenager intentionally caused the accident, the car insurance will not be applied for compensation. The victim will be required to file a lawsuit to recover the damage resulting from the accident.
Maintaining the safety of your teens.
With the surge in car accidents, it is crucial to focus on your child’s safety. Make sure to discuss safety protocols with your child if they drive. This helps in giving them an insight into road conditions and ways to deal with the arising issues. You can preserve the safety of your child, as well as your finances, by instructing them to practice healthy driving habits.