It is impossible to predict the long-term consequences of illegal drug use, which is a major concern. The cost of treating drug abuse is on the increase; that is certain. The United States is expected to spend $532 billion on drug-related problems every year. The problem is exacerbated since more and more teenagers and young adults turn to drugs for fun. This might mean a lifetime of use for some individuals. Studies demonstrate that chronic drug addicts have a significantly higher risk of several medical disorders, including memory loss. Scientists have found cognitive and temporal processing impairments in multiple brain areas in drug users and dementia patients. The following drugs cause memory loss:
- Cocaine
Cocaine causes memory loss. Cocaine is a central nervous system stimulant that elevates brain and spine nerve activity, increasing attentiveness and vigor. It also blocks the brain from processing more dopamine a hormone responsible for feelings of pleasure, contentment, and self-confidence. A recent study found a link between cocaine use and memory loss. Researchers for a year tracked 57 cocaine users and 48 non-users. Cognitive tests were administered to both groups at the start and end of the study to measure their development. Researchers found that cocaine users performed worse in all areas, including working memory when the data was compared at the end of the year. While cocaine is known to cause memory loss, it is believed that abstinence from the drug might reverse some of that loss. It is common for cocaine addicts to seek help from cocaine addiction treatment when they attempt to stop using the drug.
There are a variety of strains of marijuana, and several of them are said to have various side effects. For as long as it has been legal to use marijuana recreationally, the long-term impacts on the brain have been debated. Cannabis has been shown to cause memory loss due to its psychotropic component, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The cerebral cortex, hippocampus, and amygdala all have receptors for THC. The hippocampus assists learning and memory, the cerebral cortex aids in awareness, and the amygdala is the body’s main fear-response center. Weed may impair memory and cognition by binding to certain brain parts and interfering with their normal functions.
This liquid central nervous depressant termed GHB, often known as “liquid x,” is widely used as a date-rape drug. The drug is marketed under the brand name Xyrem. As a result of its unpleasant side effects, which include extreme tiredness and loss of consciousness as well as impaired memory, it is a popular party drug. Ghb liquid is commonly used in the drinks of victims by assailants. There is a link between GHB abuse and decreased IQ as well as abnormalities in the brain’s cognitive long-term and working memory. No matter how little is documented about this drug, one thing is for sure: it, too, may cause memory loss and other forms of cognitive impairment.
Visit Mallard Lake for Effective Solutions to Drug Addiction
If you are hooked on opioids or other drugs, our Houston based opiate and drug addiction treatment center will help. Long-term recovery from drug abuse is made possible via the guidance of our treatment specialists, who help patients navigate the psychological and physical challenges of the process. We, at Mallard Lake detox Center, use a variety of pharmaceutical treatment strategies to help our patients transform their lives and become their best selves.