Any smart inbound marketer knows that once you have done everything to encourage your prospect audience to visit your site, the next huge and quite tough step is to convert them into qualified leads, but how? You might be long struggling for web conversion and have been putting all your time and energy into online marketing and social media but still failed to figure out how to convert all your marketing efforts into real-world money. Well, have you already tried creating landing page?
What exactly a landing page is?
Landing pages, as the name implies, is a page where your visitors can ‘land’ on once they are traffic from any of online sources. This page will come into view after an internet user click a link connected to the business you have. This link could be a Google Search, Facebook ad, link within a blog, twitter and many more. When it comes to the number of landing pages, the amount will entirely depend on your business. In fact, the more pages you created, the higher the opportunity for you to have better conversions. Remember that the landing page main goal is to help your business acquire higher conversion rate. However, keep in mind that creating an ideal landing page isn’t that easy and what you know might not be enough. Hence, it’s a smart move to tap the experts for esteemed ecommerce SEO services.
How does a Landing Page Work?
To further understand how landing page works, let’s take a look on it on a hypothetical scenario which will demonstrate the pathway of a website visitor to a lead thru the landing page.
So let’s say you have a painting business which offers variety of services such as professional outdoor and indoor paint jobs. And as a savvy marketer, you tend to maintain business blog which features articles regarding painting tricks and tips. You also acquire numerous marketing offers such as educational e-books for free and no-obligation consultation about painting.
For instance, there’s a homeowner who is in need of a professional painter to do some painting job. The first thing he does is to research his preferred color schemes. And as a result of his Google search, he landed on your blog post related to what he is looking for and then read it. At the end, he notices a CTA (call-to-action), which is basically an ad for your offer- a no-obligation consultation about painting. He thinks it can guide him in choosing the right color scheme and so clicks the CTA, visits that landing page and sign up on the form to get a no-obligation consultation.
Your landing page will provide additional details and information that will further encourage the visitor to get the free consultation, convincing him about its value in exchange of his contact information. Once he submits his contact information, he now belongs to your possible leads.
For a more effective landing page, you need to settle with a trusted digital marketing agency for small businesses like Result Driven SEO.