Bluon TdX 20 is considered one of the best alternative refrigerants to replace R22 when the latter is completely phased out in January 2020. In fact, it is a true “drop-in” refrigerant that doesn’t require any oil or metering device change when replacing R22. The substance is built for better cooling purposes, energy efficiency, and cost saving when compared to Freon or R22. In fact, the performance of TdX 20 will improve the capacity of your system while reducing its set temperatures and run time. The product will improve the run time of each cycle faster than Freon or R22. Over the operation of 24 hours, TdX 20 has helped reduce the run time of the unit by at least an hour and a half. Hence, you are not only replacing the ozone-depleting R22 with TdX 20 but making the system perform better and last longer in the process. That is why you need to shift to TdX 20 if you are still using an HVAC system that operates on R22.
R22 was one of the best refrigerants on the market until the harmful effects of the substance were uncovered. In fact, the Montreal Protocol decided to phase out the substance since it was found to deplete the ozone layer of the planet. R 22 is energy efficient, offers a better performance for your HVAC system, and versatile. But the product affects the ozone layer of the planet in the long run. Hence, the substance is being phased out on a stage by stage basis right now. The final phase of the ban is to be implemented on the 1st of January 2020. The substance won’t be available even for servicing the existing HVAC equipment out there after January 2020. That is why it is important that you shift to TdX 20 instead of R22 right now.
The Global Warming Potential (GWP) of TdX 20 is the lowest of all of the other R22 replacements on the market today. It is only 1650. The formula underwent more than six years of rigorous testing to uncover the unique phenomena of the multi-phase technology. TdX 20 can pay for itself in one to three years. It will also provide an ROI of 35-100$. Although there are multiple alternative refrigerants on the market today, none of them will provide the energy-saving benefits to the customer. That is TdX 20 comes in handy. It provides an ideal solution for companies since they can continue to use the current systems with TdX 20. That way you don’t have to change the equipment in order to replace R22 with TdX 20. You can save a lot of money and time when you shift to TdX 20 instead of using the old R22 refrigerant. In fact, TdX 20 is a quality blend of five commercially manufactured refrigerants. In fact, the Bluon Energy TdX 20 is a patented formula – which has already received the approval of the Environmental Protection Agency or EPA.
TdX 20 will create an equal or better performance on your HVAC system. In fact, extensive field testing has shown the importance of TdX 20 in improving the performance as well as the lifespan of your HVAC system. On the other hand, most of the other replacement refrigerants don’t simply work at R22 levels. That way TdX 20 can be considered the first R22 upgrade that truly performs at a superior capacity. TdX 20 will work with your existing HVAC system to reduce the electricity consumption and improve the performance of the system over time. It creates the energy saving via a reduced amp draw to the compressor. This will also reduce the compressor cycling times in the process. With the energy-saving, improved performance, and cheap price of TdX 20, it will pay back the installation costs within 18 – 36 months with an ROI of 35% – 75%. That is why you need to invest in Bluon TdX 20 right now.
R22 or Freon is made of one compound while Bluon TdX 20 is made of a blend of five refrigerants that are stacked upon each other in a specific sequence. Different compounds in the blend mean each one of them comes with its own boiling point. In fact, these different boiling points result in what is known as a glide. TdX 20 is supposed to be an advanced formula that helps improve the performance, energy efficiency, and lifespan of your HVAC system. That is why the majority of HVAC industry professionals prefer TdX 20 to all the other alternative refrigerants – including R22. It is much easier to replace R22 with Bluon TdX 20. That is because you don’t have to change the unit or parts of it when replacing R22 with TdX 20. Almost all R22 equipment runs on TdX 20 without any major adjustments to their structure. Hence, you should consider replacing R22 with TdX 20 in all of your HVAC systems without delay. You haven’t much time for this since R22 will be completely phased out in January 2020. After that, you won’t find R22 on the market even for servicing the existing equipment.
There are many advantages to using TdX 20 in your HVAC system instead of R22. Since R22 is about to disappear altogether from the scene, you should be considering shifting to TdX 20 without delay. Here are the most important benefits of replacing R22 with Bluon TdX 20.
. The heat of the system is absorbed over more coil surface areas when you use TdX 20. This will improve the overall heat transfer.
. The workload of the compressor is drastically reduced which will result in a lower amp draw. This will also reduce the compressor head temperature in the process.
. The stability of the compressor is improved as a result. This will contribute to less vibration and noise with a more stable amp draw.