Government schools in India are responsible for educating about 65% of India’s youth. However, the ever increasing population of children still goes to schools where the quality of education provided is unsatisfactory; infrastructure is insufficient, there is no scope for developing creative skills and teachers are usually not skilled enough to be understanding mentors who can help encourage the best in every child.
Technology is one of the most important elements public schools tend to lack. If they choose to, teachers can play a vital role in improving the education system and the kind of growth children are able to have. And they can use crowdfunding India platforms to make their impact.
Crowdfunding platforms like Impact Guru have been building a trend of giving in the recent past. The urban youth of today hold more concern for social issues today and many turn to crowdfunding to raise money for their favourite nonprofits. Crowdfunding provides the ideal opportunity to the average giver to multiply his impact by telling stories and encouraging others to give to their cause. Its convenience makes it popular; the entire process operates online on a secure and smooth platform. Its tendency to go viral is another factor that appeals to people; fundraisers are promoted mainly through social media and if done right, can raise lakhs of rupees in a single day!
Teachers and crowdfunding
Philanthropists agree that the government alone cannot fight the battle against illiteracy, given India’s volume of students enrolled in schools (and those that aren’t). Many schools struggle to afford basic necessities like benches and blackboards.
Teachers don’t necessarily have to burden themselves with ambitious campaigns that strive to afford high scale solutions. They can start small by raising funds for educational trips that would make for rich learning experiences for the children. Outside of their curriculum, children need experiences to apply the theories they learn so they can have a deeper understanding of their lessons.
Countless studies in the past have proved that developing a creative or athletic skill improves the intelligence of a child and makes them happier as well. Raising funds for a stock of sports equipment or musical instruments to encourage creative and athletic skills among children is also another great idea teachers can take up. Teachers who are ill equipped to be ideal mentors can also come together and raise funds for trainings, courses and workshops they can take to improve their practice.
Crowdfunding tips for teachers
Start with a humble goal amount. On select crowdfunding India platforms like Impact Guru, campaigners have the option of increasing their goal amount later when their fundraiser picks up momentum. Studies show that donors often get intimidated by large goals and decide against making a donation, believing that they will not be able to create enough of an impact.
Make sure you’re aware of the school’s regulations and rules about fundraising before you create a fundraiser. This will help avoid conflict later.
Involve your students! Crowdfunding India experts agree that fundraising initiatives can go through the roof and show amazing results if more people are involved in promoting it. Sit with your students as you figure out how crowdfunding works and get them to spread the word with their family.
Happy crowdfunding!