Every 50 minutes, drunk drivers cause fatal car accidents.
If someone else’s poor choices have caused you pain, it’s time to take legal action. Whether you were the victim of a drunk driver, distracted driver, or just a bad driver, you deserve to receive compensation for your injuries.
However, it can be difficult knowing when you should settle your injury claim, and when it’s necessary to go to court. To help you choose, this article will review when suing someone after an accident is in your best interest.
So take a look! The more you understand about auto accident laws, the easier it’ll be to stand up for your rights.
At-Fault Party Refuses to Negotiate
Auto accident laws state that you first need to deliver a demand letter to the at-fault party after an accident. We find it’s best if you have a legal professional write the letter for you. The demand letter will outline what you believe the amount of your claim should be valued at.
After receiving the demand letter, it’s possible that the at-fault party will refuse to enter into negotiations. They may claim they’re not responsible, or even worse, try to place the liability on you. If negotiations are off the table, then you’ll likely need to settle your claim through a trial.
Insurance Company Denies Your Claim
Did the insurance company deny your auto accident claim? If yes, then you have the right to request a detailed explanation as to why your claim was denied. If the insurance company refuses to explain themselves, it’s time to launch a personal injury lawsuit.
Keep in mind that during your trial, the burden of proving negligence will rest on you. Instead of trying to handle everything by yourself, we suggest that you get the help of a legal professional.
You’re Offered an Unfair Settlement Amount
Another reason to sue after a car accident is if the insurance company offers you an unfair claim payout. After hearing the low payout offer, your attorney will try to renegotiate the claim award by outlining all of your non-economic and economic damages. However, if the insurance company won’t budge, you’ll likely have to file a lawsuit.
You Want to Have Your Day in Court
Were you or a loved severely injured because of someone else’s careless behavior? If yes, then you could take your injury claim to trial just so that you can have your day in court. It can be your way of making a statement to all careless drivers by having your voice heard.
Are There Punitive Damages at Stake?
Finally, punitive damages are another reason for suing someone after an accident. Punitive damages aren’t compensation or your injuries, but rather serve as a punishment for the defendant’s poor choices.
Make Auto Accident Laws Work for You
The more you know about auto accident laws, the easier it’ll be for you to get the justice you deserve. While taking your injury claim to trial isn’t always necessary, sometimes filing a lawsuit is inevitable. Since lawsuits can quickly become complex, reach out to an attorney today to explore all of your options.
The sooner you get your case resolved, the sooner you can finally get compensation for your injuries. For more ways to look out for yourself, read another one of our articles.