Foresight Autonomous Holdings Ltd is basically a Technology-based firm that design manufactures as well as trades quad and stereo vision system of the camera. Apart from this, the firm also offers V2X solutions which are cellular-based and is used in the favor of Automotive industries. The major area for the offerings of the firm is in Israel. The firm also deals with the assistance of driver systems that helps the automobile in prevention from the accident. The system offers real-time info about the vehicle as well as the surrounding Vehicles. To bring out more new offerings and continue their research, the firm sells its shares under NASDAQ as NASDAQ: FRSX at .
Stock market performance of Foresight Autonomous Holdings Ltd:
The firm has a market capitalization of about $41.70 million with a total of 26,390,000 outstanding shares in the stock market. While the net income of the firm stands out to be worth $-15,440,000 with -86.65% of return on Equity and -74.83% of Return on Assets. Expert opinion upon the stocks recommends it to be a strong buy as the current performance of the firm is bearish in the stock market. A shareholder has a high chance of earning profits as they Purchase shares of Foresight Autonomous Holdings Ltd.
Stock market news of Foresight Autonomous Holdings Ltd:
The NASDAQ: FRSX stock was traded at $0.6501 in its past quarters and while working in the new quarter, the firm saw a rise of about 143% and currently trades at $1.58. while in the previous quarters, the firm performed quite well in the market against its competitors as well as in the share market too. The Earnings Per Share of the firm stands at $0.13 in the quarter while the consensus estimate price for the firm shares is $0.14 by $0.01. Along with this, the current performance of the firm rose from its past quarters and aims to raise more with bringing new offerings in the Technology part of the firm.
How to purchase stocks of Foresight Autonomous Holdings Ltd?
One can purchase any number of Foresight Autonomous Holdings Ltd shares from the stock market provided one should have an online Brokerage account. Access to an online Brokerage account helps the shareholders to know in-depth about the market of the firm as well as it’s a performance in the stock market.It also includes expert opinions along with the risk factors involved in trading of shares i.e. purchase or selling of the shares. It also helps the shareholders to fulfill their main objective of making huge profits out of their investment in stock markets. You can learn more stock information like how to buy stocks online without a broker before investing. Disclaimer: The analysis information is for reference only and does not constitute an investment recommendation.