
9 Things You Need to Know Before Getting A Breast Lift

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Meta Description: Dreaming of having perkier, more youthful-looking breasts? Get a lift! But before you book your consultation, here are 9 things you need to know about breast lift surgery.

A breast lift, also known as mastopexy, is a surgical procedure to raise and reshape sagging breasts. It can also reduce the size of the areola, and the darker skin surrounding the nipple. Pregnancy, breastfeeding, and aging are the most common causes of breasts becoming saggy. If you’re considering getting a breast lift in Utah, there are some things you need to know before your surgery.

  1. A breast lift is not breast augmentation. 

While both procedures involve surgery on the breasts, a breast lift only lifts and reshapes the breasts, while a breast augmentation also involves adding implants to increase the size of the breasts. However, sometimes a breast lift and breast augmentation are done at the same time. When this is the case, it is called mastopexy-augmentation.

  1. There are different types of breast lifts. 

The type of breast lift you have will depend on how much sagging there is and what your goals are. The three most common types of breast lifts are:

  • Crescent lift– The crescent lift is the least invasive and only involves a small crescent-shaped incision around the top half of the areola.
  • Circumareolar lift- The circumareolar lift is also relatively minimally invasive and involves an incision around the areola.
  • Vertical/lollipop lift– The vertical/lollipop lift is the most common type of breast lift and involves an incision around the areola and down to the crease of the breast.
  1. Breast lifts are usually done under general anesthesia. 

This means you will be asleep during the surgery. The surgery usually takes two to three hours, but can sometimes take longer depending on the type of lift you are getting and whether or not you are also getting a breast augmentation.

  1. You will likely need to take some time off from work. 

Most people take one to two weeks off from work, but this will depend on your job and how you are feeling after surgery. The first few days after surgery you will likely be feeling pretty sore and will need to take it easy. Then, you should be able to ramp up your activity level as you start to feel better.

  1. You will need someone to drive you home after the surgery. 

Since you will be under general anesthesia, you will not be able to drive yourself home. Make sure to have someone lined up who can drive you and also stay with you for at least the first night after surgery. You should not be alone immediately after surgery.

  1. You will have drains in place. 

After surgery, you will likely have one or two thin tubes (drains) coming out of your breasts. These drains help to remove excess fluid from the surgical area and prevent the buildup of fluid that could lead to infection. The drains are usually removed within one to two weeks. This is typically done in the doctor’s office and is a quick and painless procedure.

  1. You will need to wear a special surgical bra. 

After surgery, you will be given a special surgical bra to wear. This bra helps to support your breasts as they heal and also holds the drains in place if you have them. You will need to wear the bra 24 hours a day for the first week or two, then you can start to remove it at night. If you are not given a surgical bra, you can purchase one online or at a medical supply store.

  1. You will have some swelling and bruising. 

This is normal and to be expected after any surgery. The swelling and bruising will usually peak within three to five days and then start to improve. The majority of the swelling should resolve within two to three weeks but can take up to six weeks to fully resolve. This is why it is hard to see your final results immediately after surgery.

  1. You will need to follow some special instructions for taking care of your incisions. 

After surgery, your incisions will be covered with surgical tape or steri-strips. You must keep the area clean and dry. You should avoid soaking in a tub, hot tub, or pool until the incisions are fully healed. You should also avoid any strenuous activity or lifting anything heavy for at least four to six weeks to allow the incisions time to heal properly.

If you are considering getting a breast lift, be sure to discuss all of your questions and concerns with your surgeon. They will be able to help you decide if a breast lift is right for you and explain the procedure in more detail.

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