The moving day is nearly here and there are still so much to do. Here are some tips that will make moving simpler for you.
Sort and throw
First step is to get rid of as much stuff as possible. Every household has items that are never used or very rarely used. These items just keep piling up and occupying space. Sell as much of these stuff as you can, or you can also donate many of these things to the needy. Then once you are only left with the things you need, sort them into categories.
Buy your packing supplies
The most important thing needed for packing is boxes and you would need to build up a healthy supply of boxes if you want to pack everything properly. You can buy boxes from wine shops, wholesale item shops etc. other than that you will also need tape, scissors, bubble wrap, packing paper etc. also check and see if you have original boxes for electrical appliances like TV, refrigerator etc. lying around somewhere. They can make your life much easier.
Tackle packing early on
Instead of leaving all the packing for one day, start packing things well ahead of time. Start with decorative items like pictures, vases etc. then move on to books, toys etc. then gradually move on to more frequently used items. Label every box and package properly so that during unpacking, you can start with the more important things.
Make a to do list
Lists can be of great use in packing and moving. First of all make a list of things that you need to do such as hiring a mover like scheduling disconnection of phones, internet, electricity etc. you will probably need to make a list of all your belongings so that you don’t leave anything behind. Make a separate list for your documents and pack them separately. It is always better to hire a local company that can easily go to your apartment or home and pack up all the belongings. They are cheaper, faster and more efficient than other companies. Please visit, to know more
Movers best know how to handle packing and moving, but a little preparation ahead of time on your part will make everything much easier.